Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Life of the Trench Coat

The trench coat was claimed to be designed by Aquascutam in the 1890's and Burberry in 1901. It was worn during World War I as an optional substitute for the heavier greatcoat to keep the rain out. It could only be privately purchased by the officer rank. It was then modified to include D rings and shoulder straps.

During World War II the army still used them. It was then worn in the 1940's and '50's for more fashionable reasons by the likes of Humphrey Bogart in Cassablanca and cartoon character Dick Tracy.
In the 1960's the mod movement took it up. During the !970's it was adopted by punks and later by goths, and has always been a staple item in the fashion world.


  1. cool it really intresting lerning the history of clothes

  2. jeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do u have the time? >:) grrr you nicked all my ideas :) :P
